Tuesday, October 12, 2010

grade 8!:D

My grade 8 piano practical examination result sheet. WHEE ♥ 

BLAH, I know it is already a past tense to me now. It's already a history to me :D wheeeee. Well, I just feel like boasting xD although I did not get a DISTINCTION like someone did (no offence) x), and just get a PASS instead.=X aiya suan liau. I'm really very satisfied with my result now.(self-comforting?LOL)

Well, I would also like to do a analysis like Ccy did.xD
Exam pieces
This is the piece that I start practicing 3 WEEKS BEFORE EXAM.=.= OMG, I'm really dead right? I also dont know why I'm so BRAVE to dily-daly like that.=.= aiya suan liau, I just try my best lor, 反正its a baroque pieces~and in the end i stil can get marks above pass-21 marks.WOOHOO, cheers for me xD
This one!!!I put MANY effort on it and yet I just got this shitty marks!!DD: screwed it out D:.This is the FIRST exam pieces I start to practice lor but I just got 24 marks.=.= zzz. Because I'm not expressive enough? because I'm not HIAO enough?=.= suan liau.
OHMYGOD this is really the BOMB!!This piece, from the head right TILL the end, I totally dont know what SHIT am I playing.=.= I dont think I'm jazzy, I dont think I hit the right note either!!=.= zzz but it gave me a huge 25 MARKS!!!O.O oh gosh, how could I believe it??!!o.O it was tooooo surprising man.=.= anyway, cheers for me too~xD and ccy could 27 marks for this part, so god lar~x) cheers for her too!=D

Scales & Appregios
Aiya as I said, I HATE THIS PART VERY VERY MUCHHHHHH D:.and, this is also the part that I start to practice 3 weeks before my exam.=.= dead betul. Even my trial examiner said I would FAIL this part if I do not buck up. My teacher also very anxious about this, keep on advising me to practice scales, said:" exam pieces u can't expect how many marks he or she give you, but the scales you can study de, you can memorize de, so if you do well, it can ensure you to get high marks." BLAH i dont care I just know I HATE scales!!!T.T but because I dont want to disappoint my that too-good teacher, I put my effort to practice practice practice!=.= damn torturing man.alas I stil can get 18 marks, beh pai lah :D *nose high up in the air* and my teacher was so happy to read this marks, til 眉开眼笑.LOL.

AS I ALWAYS SAID, sight reading is the WORST thing I've ever did.=.= but hor the piece that examiner gave me was entitled, "Ballet in Paris"!!WHEE!!BALLET!!:DDD when I came over with this title I was so excited lol.but IT WAS STILL AN EXAM, so I guai guai start playing the piece LOUSILY.OMG, I really dont know what am I playing =X seriously!! but I could get 15 marks o.O that was totally unexpected.从天而降,I must say.x)

BLAH, aural, I dont know what am I doing zzz. During my practice with my teacher, during my trial examination, I did it really no difference like SHIT. The listening to the lower part I TOTALLY CANT COMPREHEND =( but I still 勉为其难地lalala. Then sing the lower part, duhhhh I don't know lar. Modulation, I dont know what am I saying because I totally cant identify what was it!!D: about the discussion part, NAH forget about it. staccato, legato, lively, sad....the piece memang 好坏掺半!!!=.= zzz so I just simply gang lalala. but stil get 14 marks O.O sot de, till now I still cant believe lor.

Total marks

Well, I cant complain about it edy lahh. I can pass the exam I already must 杀鸡还神,谢天谢地,still dream for higher marks? NAH forget about it. I really lack of practice that time =X as everything crumpled together.Imagine that time mid-term examination is just around the corner, my ballet examination is just a blink of eye, sooo many schoold activities stuff to do, AND START PRACTICING A:1 AND SCALES JUST 3 WEEKS BEFORE EXAM?

so, I can get 117 marks, I really must thank god.:D


and of course I must thank my dear teacher Bella.


And for those who taking piano examinations this year/next year, ALL THE BEST TOO!!:D

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